Horse Sugar Cookies

Horse Cookies for Mireille’s Birthday

posted in: Blog | 2

When Anthea said she wanted horse or pony cookies for Mireille’s birthday party, I was able to find a lot of different photos online to show her as possibilities. She was drawn to the more realistic looking ones over the carousel style and the cartoon-like horses, and so I was very happy to have found this example illustrating how to modify the final shape of the design by not piping exactly along the lines of the cutter/cookie because it gave me the confidence to adapt a more juvenile horse cutter I already had into a pony that I knew she’d like.

In the picture below, you can see my process. I traced the purple cutter and then sketched how I could fit a more life-like horse into the shape. This was a really big step for me, as I have never been much of an artist, but I was really happy with what I came up with and how the cookies turned out in the end. Due to the original cutter’s shape, the legs were on the shorter side, but that turned out perfectly because it matched the pony the kids rode at the birthday party!

2 Responses

  1. Anthea

    We loved these cookies! thank you becky! I love seeing what your process was to create these delicious ponies! And yes the short legs did match the real pony at the party!