Baking Photography Tip

Baking Photography Tip

I am far from a skilled photographer, and I really would love to take the time to learn more about photography and my camera at some point. In the meantime, I try to pick up little tips and tricks and hints as I look at the photos of others and read various photography and food blogs.

I was so excited when I came across this when reading through a recipe on Sally’s Baking Addiction:

“After I remove them from the oven, I like to press a few chocolate chips into the tops. The chips will melt and the cookies will be pretty.”

It always bothered me when some chocolate chip cookies looked like plain cookies because none of the chocolate chips were at the top (and not only for photography reasons – but because I want all the cookies to look good and to show what’s inside!) – This is so brilliant. I can’t believe I hadn’t come across it or thought of it before! I have always really liked the recipes that I’ve tried from this food blogger, and this little tidbit made me love her even more!

Just look at the cookie on the right. No chocolate chips up top! Not all the cookies are as plain looking when they come from the oven, but they all benefited from a few little chocolate chips added on while they were still warm out of the oven!

6 Responses

  1. Filomena

    Good tip, makes you wonder why your own baking never looks like the pics in the recipes you follow! (that would be me – not you). Glad to see you back!

    • Becky {Rebecca Cakes & Bakes}

      Good to be back 🙂 Lots more to follow in the next couple weeks!

  2. Mom

    Definitely a worthwhile tip! The chocolate chip cookies look delicious.

    • Becky {Rebecca Cakes & Bakes}

      They were delicious. I will definitely make them again.

  3. pollysplayground

    i love this tip!! so smart. thank you for sharing!

    • Becky {Rebecca Cakes & Bakes}

      You will have to try it with some of the baking chips we sent for Xmas!